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Hi There!

I'm so glad you're here!

Oh, how I wish you were standing at my front door. I’d give you a big bear-hug and invite you into the room where all my friends plop down when we just want it to be us. 

I’d grab you your favorite drink and me an ice-cold TAB, while we sink down on my comfy couch. Then I’d ask you a million questions! 

I’d love to know all about you, what your dreams are, what keeps you up at night, what makes you feel like your truest self. You are so uniquely created for this moment in history.

Bottom line. You matter to this world. And you matter to me, too. A lot.

Encouraging you to pursue everything that God meant for you to be is my passion. (With all my heart, I want that for my life too.) Together we can grow and strengthen God’s beautiful Kingdom.

If we're going to be friends, it's only be fair to share about my life too, right? 

So, I’d tell you I wouldn’t want to live a second without God. I'd spill the beans on the true-life fairytale of how I met my husband.  And how my lovely bouquet of friends keep me sane . . . best they can anyway! 

You’d find out quickly that I’m most alive when I’m creating and dreaming. But my greatest delight is sharing the freeing truth of God’s word and watching people become everything that He wants them to be. 

Here’s a secret. One day I’d love to own a retreat center for the weary to refresh and the curious to create and explore all that God has for them. 

But for now, my days are filled with teaching, writing, running a political campaign now and then—that’s an explanation for another day—and definitely loving on my family and friends! Oh, and washing a few loads of laundry, chasing around a puppy, making a meal or two for the hubs and . . . well, you get the picture.

By the end of our chat, I’m sure alllll the world’s problems would be solved, (Ha!) and we’d finish it up with a good, ole-fashioned prayer time, complete with sniveling-snot. What’s more refreshing than the unburdening your heart with a friend and a good talk with God. 

Geez. Wouldn’t that be nice. 

But until then, I’m glad we can share here. 

My prayer for you and me is that the eyes of our understanding would be opened to the hope & glory God has for us! (Ephesians 1:17-23.)

Thanks for joining me here. Take a look around. You’ll find spiritual snack food in the blog posts, some good books (Shameless plug here for Benched: What I Gained When I Lost It All & The Companion Guide) and most of all, I pray you’ll find a whole lot of love. 
Check Out My Blog!
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