Writers should have something to say, right?
But here’s the thing. I don’t.
Not today.
It’s so noisy out there right now I can barely hear the clicking of the computer keys. In fact, this is actually the first time I’ve heard them in days. Mainly because I’ve been avoiding it. Why?
Like I said, I don’t know what to say. . .
Life has changed. Quick.
The world these days is like watching a time lapse video. What seems like should have taken years to evolve has happened faster than the melting of an ice cream cone in a Florida summer.
I don’t want to get into all the changes. You’ve already heard a ton of voices about all that.
What I wonder is, now what?
To find the answer to that question I’ve got to remind myself of what I know is still true.
First of all, Jesus never changes. Neither does His word.
“Thy word O Lord is settled in heaven.”
Settled. Done. Complete.
That’s a big one for me. That means the answers in the Bible still apply
So do the promises.
He has a plan.
He will never leave me
nor forsake me.
He makes a way
in the wilderness.
He is the God of all comfort.
He will be my Guide
even unto death.
We don’t wrestle flesh
and blood.
Vengeance belongs
to the Lord.
Forgiveness is still
a command.
He wins.
He loves with an everlasting love.
He’s not willing
that any should perish, but that all
should come to repentance.
A fool says
in his heart there is no God.
I’m still to cast all my cares
on Him and
I’m to take captive
every thought to the obedience of Christ.
He has a work for me
to do.
All that and MORE is still true. . .
With that in mind, here’s the second thing. It’s not an accident that He created you and me to be alive at this very moment in history.
That’s exciting.
God’s not wringing His hands wondering how did we get here? He’s not concerned. We might feel unsettled, but not Him. He’s not surprised or shocked or at a loss for what to do next.
That comforts me.
So, with those two things as my base, how do I live today?
Disappointed? Grieved? Some moments, yes.
There are a ton of sad things out there right now.
But do I need to stay bound in it?
God hasn’t given us the spirit of fear, but of power
of love
and of a sound mind.
Pretty good marching orders right there.
Live in the spirit of power.
Not my
power, but God’s.
Resist the enemy at every turn. Difficult times tend to make us feel like we can relax on things we know are wrong for us. We’re more liberal with how much we eat or what we watch on TV, or we fall back into that addiction because well, life is stressful! But we still have God’s power and promise that He will make a way of escape for us.
Live in the spirit of love.
Whoa. Just that alone . . .
Pay attention and watch for each encounter He has for me today. How can I walk in the spirit of love towards the grocery store attendant, the people sitting at my kitchen table for dinner each night, the neighbor down the street? Letting His love work in my life to accomplish the little things He has ordained for me.
Live in a sound mind.
Hmmm. . .
doesn’t seem to be very prevalent these days. Satan is the author of confusion. God is not. Listen, and then know your Bible. Don’t accept anything just because so and so said such and such about this and that. And at the end of the day, does it line up with God’s Truth? If it doesn’t, then it’s not from God.
I’ll close with this one: Turn off the noise.
Yep. Turn it off, at least some of the time.
I’m not suggesting we bury our heads in the sand, but I do advocate for Phillipians 4:8 “Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, think on these things.”
I’ve stepped away from almost all social media and news.
You know what I’ve discovered? There is a ton of great people all around me if I’ll look up from my phone for a few minutes. I feel more substance these days, more genuine relationship. It’s nice.
Okay, guess I had more to say than I realized! HA!
I appreciate each of you.
And today I’m going to set aside some time to lift you up to the Lord. May revival spirit stir in our hearts. May God be your all. May He be mine as well.
Hope & Glory to you my friends,
RebeccaP.S. If I can pray for you specifically about anything or you have any thoughts to share with me, please drop me a line!