My eyelids fluttered open. As I hugged my pillow and squirmed beneath the weighted blanket, relief and dread competed for my attention.
Relief that my early-dawn com mitment had been cancelled. Dread over the handful of irritating tasks that I still needed to face.
The duties ahead weren’t that butterflies-in-the-stomach kind
like I’d have if I needed to take care of an ailing parent, or seek forgiveness from a friend I’d done wrong.
And for that I was grateful.
But still,
a sinking feeling hovered around me like an angry yellow fly as I accepted the fact that my day would be littered with frustrating tasks.
I hauled myself out of bed and slid into my exercise clothes. I didn’t want to work-out either. I hoped one day my body would crave training like the “fit” people’s do. But so far, dragging myself into my spanks and tennies
still required a strength of will that preferred snuggling under the covers.
As I started down the street for my walk/run, it hit me.
Wait, I have an answer for all of this dread!
Crazy as it sounds,
my relief came from the simple word is, as in, “The Lord is
my Shepherd. . .”
He is.
Right here. Right now
Every step I move toward my exercise goal my Shepherd is beside me. Whatever time I spend on hold—for the third time—with the dishwasher warranty people, or the tedious effort required to extract candle wax out of my barely used tablecloth, the LORD is.
Not just was.
Which yes, He was
when I ate my meals alone wondering if my first husband was coming home at night. Or when I confessed to my widowed mother that her Yorkie—her favorite companion—slipped out the door on my watch, and I couldn’t find him anywhere. Oh, most definitely the Lord was my Shepherd during those times.
He saw me through and held my hand every step.
And not just will be. . . some day.
You know, when He comes to take us home. When Heaven isn’t just a hope, but a present reality. When He wipes all tears from our eyes and all things are made new. Oh, yes. I look forward to that day when He most certainly will be
my Shepherd.
But I can do more than just look back or look ahead. Today, He is!
He is beside me
in the mundane and the frantic. He is my constant friend when I’m wondering if my effort matters. My confidant when I feel my heart will burst with confusion. My comfort when I realize my favorite outfit is ruined. My conscience when I want to pull my hair out after the repair company has given me yet another phone number to call.
Wow, that helps me.Even as I peck away at these computer keys, I bask in the knowledge that even in the irritating or dull duties of life, He is.
He is
for you too, my friend.
Right this minute. In the passenger seat beside you in traffic. Looking over your shoulder as you struggle to learn the new computer system. Sitting on the countertop as you make the dinner or listening in while you have that tough conversation with your sibling.
My problem
is I don’t acknowledge that truth enough.
But not today.
Today, maybe you’d join me in acknowledging our Shepherd is
the Good Shepherd. Always.
He is protecting us.
Guiding us.
Providing for us.
Loving us.
Enjoy Him and live, yes,
even in the mundane and irritating.
~ Hope & Glory to you today!